
Tornado Badger Gate

Code: GMB302001

Tornado Badger Gate 300×200

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    £88.50 Inc. VAT

    In Stock

    Tornado Badger Gates are specifically designed to allow badgers to pass freely through a fence. Without causing any damage to the structure of the fence.

    Since badgers are naturally territorial animals, they often use set routes to move within their habitat. Meaning they will attempt to move through any objects to remain on these routes when moving from one place to the next.


    If deer or stock fences up put up across a badger run, they will either attempt to dig under the fence or break through it. Meaning, in either case, the fence will be damaged, and this leaves the fence open for the passage for other animals.


    The Tornado Badger Gate completely eliminate this problem!

    Tornado Badger Gates can be installed quickly and easily into existing fences. They can also be locked to allow one-way-only access for badgers through a fencing line.


    Explore our full range of Torando Fencing and Equipment 



    You are responsible for not disturbing badgers and for not interfering with or damaging badgers’ setts or their paths, and for complying with legislation in this regard. Accordingly, any use of badger gates should be undertaken only under the supervision and advice of an ecologist experienced in badger work and, where necessary, appropriate licences should be in place before work commences.”


    Sources of information:
    Badgers and their setts are protected by the Protection of Badgers Act 1992 (as amended). The legislation is subject to regular amendment and update; you are encouraged to ensure you are aware of the most up-to-date legislation by visiting

    All surveyors involved in badger surveys should be sufficiently competent and experienced. The survey competencies are set out by the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM). Visit for further information.

    If in any doubt you are advised to contact Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) for further information in relation to species licensing

    Click here to view the datasheet


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